In nature, the cat is not only a predator but also a prey. Thus, it has a habit of hiding it weaknesses so as not to encourage possible predators to attack it even if the cat is in pain. This is the reason why it is particularly difficult for a cat owner to diagnose a health problem in it hairball. However, some signs do not deceive.

If you observe one or more of the symptoms below in your cat, you are strongly advised to consult a veterinarian quickly.
Best Way To Know if Your Cat is in Pain
Table of Contents
It limps
This is the most visible sign of pain in cats. If it starts limping on a regular basis for no reason or following a fall, this is a sign that it has hurt himself. It can also be a symptom of osteoarthritis.
It struggles to move
If just getting up seems to take a lot of effort from your cat, something is wrong. A healthy cat does not have difficulty jumping, running or simply walking.
It becomes aggressive when touched
When you pet your cat and it starts biting you, meowing or running away when you touch a specific area of its body, it’s probably because the cat is in pain
Related: 3 Signs of Tumor in Cats
It licks himself excessively
If you notice that your cat is constantly licking in a specific place (a paw, belly, etc.), it means that something is bothering it there. Conversely, if your cat no longer washes, you should be concerned.

It meows more than usual
Cats only use meowing to communicate with humans. So if your cat starts meowing more often than usual and its meows sound like complaints, don’t take it lightly.
It purrs all the time
Contrary to popular belief, purring is not just a sign of well-being in cats. On the contrary, the latter can purr to soothe pain. So, if your cat purrs all the time, even when you don’t pet him, it may be because cat is in pain somewhere.
Our pick: Best Cat Grooming Supplies
It is uptight
The cat is an animal that has the amazing ability to completely relax, which also explains why it is so flexible. If you notice that your cat seems tense, especially in the face, and that it adopts strange positions, it is an obvious sign of suffering.
Related: What to Know About Depression in Cats?
It sleeps more
The cat sleeps between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. a day. But if your cat suddenly starts to sleep more than usual, it’s a sign that it feels a deep unease. Especially if its behavior suddenly changes: it no longer plays, no longer has any enthusiasm, no longer eats, is no longer clean…
It has a third eyelid
The third eyelid is a whitish membrane that appears on the cat’s eye when cat is in pain. It can be accompanied by discharge from the eyes or even by a strong sensitivity to light. In any case, it is a sign that your cat is not in good health.
It isolates himself
When it is suffering, the cat tends to isolate himself from its masters. It flees contact and tries at all costs to hide. The reason ? Conceal its state of weakness…