Going on vacation when you have cats is always complicated. Should we take them with us? Can we send them to a boarding house? Or is it possible to leave them at home? So many questions that owners ask themselves every time. Having a cat is even more difficult because of its shy nature. Indeed, it doesn’t like strangers and that makes things more complicated. So what to do if you’re going on vacation? In this article, you will find all the advice you need to fully enjoy this period of relaxation, without having to worry about your cat.

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Opt for a cat boarding facility
One of the best solutions when going on vacation without your cat is to entrust it to professionals in a cat boarding facility. Here are the reasons.
Why send your cat to boarding?
All owners want to offer the best to their cats, especially when they are not together. A pension is the most suitable solution if you don’t want to have too much worry. This type of establishment has all the amenities for the comfort and well-being of your animal. You will also have nothing to fear regarding its health, because it will benefit from the best treatment. It will also find plenty of playmates there to avoid getting bored. There are therefore collective walks and joint activities.
What kind of cats are suitable for boarding?
Not all cats are suitable for going to a boarding facility, know that. In fact, yours must be used to living in a community. Many other felines are entrusted there, hence the need to socialize your cat before sending it there. If you have a solitary animal, it is best to find another solution for your companion.
To help it get used to this type of place more easily, take your companion’s favorite cat carrier with you. It will also be used during walks.
A hotel for lonely cats
What’s the difference with a pension?
The services are almost the same in a pension and a hotel. The difference lies mainly in the prices, because the latter is more of a luxury establishment. Conversely, a pension can have varied prices, depending on your expectations and requirements, but also on the length of the stay.
Is your cat suitable for this type of place?
In the majority of cases, owners send their cat who has a taciturn character there. If yours is rather discreet and shy, this type of establishment is perfectly suited to taking care of them in your absence. There are individual boxes there to guarantee peace and quiet for your furry friend. There is therefore less stress for your cat in this type of complex.
Is a cat sitter recommended?
The job of a cat-sitter is similar to that of a babysitter. Nowadays, you can find someone experienced in caring for cats. it therefore takes care of monitoring your cat during your absence. This service provider comes and takes care of your furball in your home. You just need to agree on his working hours with it before going on vacation. It is possible to choose a daytime service only. But if your pet requires a lot of attention, the cat-sitter can also work day and night.
Some conditions to take into account
To start, you will need to find someone you trust. Agencies offer this type of service, but there are also individuals.
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Then, a contract must be established between the two parties. The latter must contain various information, such as the name of the animal owner, the address of the service, information about the cat, the duration of the service and much more. There must also be information about the stakeholder to ensure good transparency.
It is also necessary to stipulate in this contract whether the cat-sitter has the right to take the cat to the veterinarian, if necessary. Also remember to include walks if you are going on vacation for more than three days. Also provide the service provider with a cat harness and a cat backpack, to make outings easier.
Prices for a cat-sitter
This varies depending on many criteria. The remuneration also varies depending on the service provider. A daily intervention can therefore range from $12 to $30. This may further change if you have more specific requirements.
Ask a trusted person to come to the house regularly
To avoid spending too much, some owners ask a trusted person to come by regularly to take care of their cat. It could be someone from your family or even a neighbor. Just leave him the keys to your home, with some instructions on how to take good care of the cat.

This option is suitable for all cats, especially if they are the homebody type. The helping person is not obliged to come into contact with the animal, but simply to visually check the cat’s state of health. All he has to do is fill its bowl with food and put water in a container to prevent the cat from dehydrating. Obviously, you will also need to change and clean the litter regularly.
A host family is also a good solution
If you cannot entrust the keys to your house to a trusted person, there is also the solution of a host family. Of course, it is not a question of entrusting the animal to just anyone. This family must have a certificate of capacity. In addition to this, it must have authorization from the DDPP and be insured.
This solution is not suitable for a cat that is too territorial. Your furball must also be sociable, because it will change settings and guardians throughout your vacation. This type of provider is especially recommended for a kitten, because it is still quite carefree and playful. It will then adapt very quickly. This will also help it socialize. If your adult cat is also very cuddly, this might work.
Leaving it alone for a weekend is possible
Yes, cats can survive your absence for two days. There is no need to entrust it to anyone. Because of the suspicious and fearful side of cats, leaving it at home is the best option, especially for an adult cat. On the other hand, a kitten could be easily frightened if it is alone and risks being traumatized by your absence. If you have a very solitary animal, this solution is the best. It will have less stress, because no strangers will come to disturb it in the fortress of solitude.
Obviously, before leaving you will need to get it everything it needs in your absence. Make sure there is enough water available. This will prevent it from becoming dehydrated. To this extent, getting it a cat fountain would be ideal.
As for its food, opt for a cat kibble dispenser, technology at the service of the animal. Your companion will then be able to stuff itself as much as it wants whenever it is hungry, without putting it everywhere.
What precautions should you take before your departure?
Choosing to leave your cat alone or entrust it to a person, whatever your choice, it is important to always take precautions.
If you entrust it to a third party
- In this type of situation, start by checking the provider’s certificate.
- Establish a clear and concise contract for the service.
- Give this provider permission to take your cat to a veterinarian, if necessary. Leave them the number of the animal doctor who regularly takes care of your companion.
If you leave it alone at home
Before making this decision, first make sure of your cat’s health. This is one of the precautions to take before leaving your cat alone. Take it to the vet to check if it has any problems. If it is not in good shape, it is best to send it to a boarding house or foster family. They will be able to take good care of it and take it back to the animal doctor if necessary.
Next, make sure you leave it with enough food and water. So in addition to the kibble dispenser, you will also need a water fountain. Our cat water fountain section: our tips for choosing it will help you determine which one is best suited to the needs of your furball.
If you live in a house with a garden, make sure there is an exit for the cat. But if you have an upstairs apartment, remember to completely clean the litter box before leaving.
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Also make sure to provide the cat with toys. it will then be able to have fun on its own.
Taking your pets with you
All the precautions to be taken cannot always calm the concerns of some owners. Some cats are also too anxious to be left home alone or even in the hands of a trusted person.
The essentials to have
In this kind of situation, take your cat with you. Just make sure you choose a vacation spot that accepts pets. When traveling, make sure to put it in a suitable carrying bag to ensure its comfort. You will find in our cat transport bag section: our top 5 the best items of the moment. If the trip is long, be sure to install a small kibble dispenser and a water fountain in its transport cage. So make sure you choose a very spacious model. Discover here the 5 advantages of the cat transport bag compared to a simple cat backpack.
Furthermore, when you go on vacation with your cat, remember to take its health record. This allows you to stay up to date on vaccinations, but also allows you to show it to the area veterinarian if there is a problem while you are on vacation.
Once arrived there
You will need to allow the cat to go out to let it stretch its legs. Never forget to put a harness on it and attach it to a leash. The desire to explore the unknown can cause a cat to run away at any time and there is a high risk of getting lost.
In order to fully enjoy your vacation, it is not always necessary to take the cat with you during your outings, to the beach for example. However, remember to install the water fountain and the kibble dispenser in the hotel room to feed it properly.
Maintain good hygiene
During the outward or return journey, but also during the stay, it is important to maintain good hygiene. This prevents the cat from getting sick or feeling uncomfortable. So remember to clean your litter box regularly.
Avoid pouring food into the carrier. The same is true for water. Use special devices to avoid getting it everywhere. Crumbs from kibble and humidity will quickly dirty the mat and greatly reduce the cat’s comfort during the trip.
Our summary: What to do with the cat on vacation
Leave your cat, take it away or entrust it to a trusted person, the choice is yours. Take your cat with you if it is not comfortable with third parties. If your animal is quite sociable, entrusting it to someone or a specialized establishment will not pose a problem. Of course, we must not forget the precautions to take, not only for the well-being of your furball, but also for your safety. And you ? How do you organize yourself with your cat to go on vacation? Tell us everything in the comments.